Help your Users

by creating FAQ on your website.

  • More than 20,000 views daily.
  • Make your website friendly.
  • Generate custom FAQ search.
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SiteKicks Website FAQ

The ‘Create FAQ/AMA’ app provides valuable information and helps navigate your site.

Answering customer queries is the main purpose of an FAQ page, but, It can also be a powerful yet simple way to: 1) Save you time; 2) Build a relationship with your customers; 3) Identify you as an expert; 4) Improve site navigation; 5) Improve search engine listings; 6) Highlight key information; 7) Turn negative into positive; 8) Analyze your site, etc.


Social marketing

Customize the Like box to your liking in just a few clicks, it fits any site perfectly

Boost Your Sales

Turn a one-time visitor into a fan, grow your community, promote your offers.

Like Box Display

Show thumbnails of your customers' friends who are already fans of your site.

Grow Your Community on Facebook the Right Way

Make your products go viral by growing your community on Facebook.

Increased Word-of-Mouth

In a few clicks you'll be able to publish your new responsive contact form on your site.

Set up in a couple of minutes

In a few clicks you'll be able to publish your new responsive contact form on your site.


Plans are monthly so there's no long term commitment and no risk. All plans include the set-up of your campaigns and the ads budget.

Plans are monthly so there's no long term commitment and no risk. All plans include the set-up of your campaigns and the ads budget.

We developed a website smart algorithm in order to predict your users’ next steps.

It sure does, and we’ve got lots of customers to backup this statement.

Sure you can. Our system is very easy to use and you can get help along the way.

Very easily. We update your Google analytics with the data we track.